So, are you ready to live the life of your dreams? Are you ready to rebuild your life? If you read my last post, then you know that this year we are focusing on transforming our lives and living the life of our dreams. This journey will require us to focus on changing our mindsets. In order to be successful, the first thing you must have is a made-up mind. I honestly believe You must get disgusted with your current circumstances before you can change them. Only then can you truly start to embark on this journey because nothing will change until you have had ENOUGH!
When you reach this point it’s time to identify what you really want. Sit and think about questions like: what kind of life do you want, who you want to be, what you want to look like, how do you want to feel, and what problems do you feel you need to overcome to get there? This may take a couple of days and that’s okay. I want you to think about your entire life. Your health, your personal relationships with family and friends, your finances, your career, EVERYTHING. Take your time and just think everything you desire to upgrade in your life. Don’t try to figure out how you will achieve ANY of these things, just write the vision down on paper. Once you picture it believe you are worthy of receiving those things.
Now that you have your blueprint (and you can always add to this if needed) I want you to bring it to God in prayer. If you don’t have a personal relationship with God, please click here. God is our Creator! Only He knows what is best for us! So, I want you to set some time aside and pray over this blueprint. Here is an example prayer:
Father, I come to you today because I need your help. My current life is in chaos. I have tried to do this without You, and I have failed. God, I lay this blueprint before you and ask You to guide me in the ways that I should go. You are the Only One who truly knows what I need. LORD, I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO INTERVENE INTO MY LIFE AND FIX WHAT I HAVE MESSED UP. I believe in this moment that you have heard my prayer, and I will start taking steps of faith to change my situation. I want whatever it is that You want for me so if anything on this list goes against then take away my desire for it because I know that You have even better! Help me Lord to trust you and to follow You in Jesus Name, I pray, Amen!
Friends, God is the ONLY WAY OUT! Society tries to erase God from everything and replace Him with the comforts of the new age by way of tarot readings, yoga, crystals, sacrificing to other gods, greed, chasing money, selfishness, disconnecting from others or falling victim to our fleshly desires and so on. But, have you ever stopped to think how people are more depressed, worried, stressed out, and overworked than they’ve ever been? This just shows that none of those things work or bring peace, love, joy, healing, or happiness to the world. The ways of this world are getting worse, and it’s time for us to choose our side before it’s too late.
I am fully convinced that life wasn’t meant to be lived in pain, depression, sickness, poverty, or hatred. So, I decided to seek the only One who could truly help me evolve and heal, God! He never intended for His children to suffer. The bible was written to give us knowledge on how to live holy and without it we are doomed because people perish for lack of knowledge. I want to provide knowledge to you all.
I pray this blog post has prompted you to get focused on changing your life for the better. Even though this journey will challenge you it will be well worth it! Enjoy the process and I will see you in the next blog. Please feel free to contact with me on Instagram for daily inspiration! God bless you!